George Harradon Mark Lodge Installation No956, 2019
Freemasons are leaders in recycling. Not that lodges want to keep putting past masters in the master’s chair, but unfortunately it is a fact of life and a necessity. That is why on Thursday 21 November I went back into the chair of George Harradon Mark Lodge, No956.  
Derek Gaskell & Jorge Perez
The lodge meets at Liverpool Masonic Hall and despite it being a cold night there was not a bad turn out.  It was eight years since I first went into the chair, but I was still excited about taking the office again. There were a couple of reasons for this; firstly WBro Jorge Perez was going to install me as his successor. This was a big thrill for me, because when Jorge joined Masonry I was in the chair of our craft lodge and I had the pleasure over two years of doing Jorge’s, Initiation; Passing and Raising. 
I only hope that I did them as well as Jorge did my installation into the chair of George Harradon. Second reason for looking forward to going back in the chair was that the RW Provincial Grand Master Representative for the meeting was my old mate WBro Alan Foster, AGDC. Alan I go back to when Alan was WM of Philadelphia Mark Lodge, No 1646 and I was JO for that year. We were also both on the provincial team at the same time. (He still blames me for his bad jokes.)
Alan is a regular visitor to George Harradon Mark Lodge and usually ends up with a job, but we did not think that it would be appropriate for him to be Inner Guard and the PGM’s Representative at the same time.    WBro Perez got the meeting underway and concluded the domestic business. The lodge DC, VWBro Fred Hargreaves, PGJO, retired to assemble the waiting Dignitaries and once they were in and seated, the usual salutations were done. 
Alan Foster; Derek Gaskell; Jorge Perez
It was now time for VWBro Hargreaves to collect me and present me to the Master to be installed. For me no matter how many times I stand up to do ritual there is always a moment of blind panic when I have no idea of what the words are and then they just coming tumbling out. (Not always the right ones I might add.) WBro Perez then placed me in the chair and the salutes were given. The brethren where then readmitted I was proclaim Master.
Jorge then presented the working tools and all the other bits I need to run the lodge. Now it was time for VWBro Hargreaves to step forward to do his party piece, the presentation of the Keystone Jewel. In my time in the lodge I can only recall one other person doing the Keystone Jewel presentation and that was the year the Fred himself went in the chair. (I will not say who did the presentation that night, but I remember Fred talking to me while I did it.)
On completion of the Keystone address, Fred then wondered off to the secretary’s table and there delivered a faultless address to the Master. It was now time for the appointment of offices. When the two Wardens had been put in place, WBro Dave Richards, PGStB, (a visitor to the Lodge), did a fine presentation of the Wardens address. After the Overseers had been appointed, WBro Tom Marlow, PPrGJW, stepped up to deliver an accomplished overseers address. Once all the officers had been appointed; it was time for WBro Alan Foster, AGDC, to give the address to the Brethren. This was done in Alan’s usual assured style.
The ones we could catch
With the installation ceremony done WBro Foster brought the congratulations of the PGM and he also congratulated WBro Jorge Perez on the PGM’s behalf for a really good installation ceremony. It was a pleasure then for me to hand a charity cheque to WBro Foster on behalf of the Lodge and this was gratefully received. Afterwards WBro Alan presented a grand lodge certificate to Bro Tom Grimes and this was again done with style. It was now time to close the lodge and head off for dinner. 
WBro Foster was again on his feet to reply to the toast to Grand Lodge. It covered a wide range of subjects especially the Royal Ark Mariner Degree.  Many members of George Harradon Lodge are already members but we still have a few to catch. Alan also praised the hard work of WBro Mike Winterbottom, PGSD the PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool area and gave a plug for the Liverpool Mark Association Social to be held at Liverpool Masonic Hall on 25 Jan 2020. (See web site for details.) With a new candidate joining in February it looks like I better get my head into the ritual book.
Words by Derek Gaskell and Photos by Dave Richards